
Showing posts from 2012

Pro choice vs Pro Life

If you ask me if I'm pro-choice or pro-life, I cannot give you a straight answer.  I don't think that women should be allowed to have an abortion just because they made a poor decision, however, I also feel that women should have the right to have one if it is necessary.  Perhaps my position can be better stated by the following story: Many years ago, a young mother of 2 was battling breast cancer.  Part of her treatment was to undergo intense radiation therapy.  Shortly after one of her treatments, she discovered her husband was having an affair.  She began divorce procedures.  Shortly after she had undergone all her radiation therapies, the doctors declared her cancer free.  She was extremely emaciated and very sick.  She continued to get sicker - she went to her doctor and discovered she was pregnant.  The doctor told her that in her poor health, the chances of her surviving this pregnancy were very, very slim, and the baby most likely w...


As a teacher I have learned some very important things that have helped me greatly in every aspect when dealing with other people. Everyone is unique.  Each person learns differently.  Each person feels emotions differently.  Each person processes energy differently.  Each person sees things differently.  Each person hears things differently.  Each person remembers things differently.  Everyone's brain is wired differently based on genetics and life experiences.  Everyone experiences the world in their own way.  Every thought, sight, sound, touch, emotion is processed through very unique brain systems.  The same thing that is seen by two people is not processed the same way, it is not remembered the same way, it is not interpreted the same way.  Ever.  One's person vision of romantic and happy roses may be another person's vision of death and sorrow simply because their experiences are different. Never assume that what you s...

out on a limb

I believe that ancient humans were far more advanced than modern-day science gives them credit for. I believe that some evolution takes place over millions of years, while some evolution under the right circumstances, takes place, much, much faster than that. And no, I don't think Aliens had a hand in how fast humans evolved, I think humans are the cause of how fast humans evolved. That doesn't mean that I don't believe in aliens, because I do, I just don't think that they had as a big a hand in our evolution as ancient alien theorists believe. Yes, I have been watching ancient aliens. I think maybe I should do a complete 180 and change my career to archeology.

From girl to woman overnight

Well, not exactly overnight, but the transition was pretty quick. It's still a work in progress. Most of the things that I used to allow me to feel like I was still a little girl, or that I was somehow less than, or needed to be supported by someone else, no longer affect me like they used to. I feel like I'm more confident and can stand on my own. This is one of the major changes that is going on in my life right now.

kids and swearing

The other day I got a phone call from my son's school saying that he had used the "f" word when another student slammed his binder down on a lunch box. My son is in Kindergarten, so this is not something that is common. There had been a substitute in the classroom all week, so things were not the usual routines and procedures. The principal told me that she felt that my son didn't really know what he was saying, but when she told him that it was a bad word, he got embarrassed and almost started crying. When my husband first heard about it, his first response was anger, but then he realized that punishment probably wasn't the best choice in this case. Instead, he surmised that how can a child really know what words they aren't supposed to say, if no one ever tells them. So when my son got home from school that afternoon, my husband sat him down and told him all the words he's not supposed to say. Yes, I do mean all the bad words that are considered ba...


Change is coming. Can you feel it? It's in the air.

New Year's Resolutions

With the beginning of a New Year, you can feel the change and the momentum and hope that this year will be a better one than last year. Everyone' talking about their plans and resolutions for the year and I'm being asked what mine are. I've never been the type of person to make New Year's Resolutions simply for the fact that I'm the type of person who will end up breaking them within the first week. I also feel very strongly that if you're going to make a life changing decision, you shouldn't have to wait until the New Year to do it. But just out of curiosity, I decided to do a little research on how many people keep their New Year's Resolutions, and the statistics were shocking. One study said that more than 75% of people who make a resolution break it by the end of the 6th, and the reason is usually because their goal was unrealistic or it wasn't time line driven. For example, many people say they want to lose weight, but they don't put a n...

He says he wants a baby sister, but....

I wasn't supposed to be able to have kids. I wasn't even supposed to get pregnant, much less carry a baby to full-term. But for some unknown reason, my body not only decided to produce enough hormones to release an egg, but also to produce enough hormones to make my body viable enough to produce a miracle. Women with my condition, rarely get pregnant without medical intervention, and if they do, the rarely make it past the first 2 months of pregnancy, so whether it was a fluke of nature, or truly divine intervention, my 6 year old son is a living, breathing miracle. Yet, he insists that he wants a baby sister. Even after telling him there probably won't be any more babies in our house until he grows up and has kids of his own, he is adamant that he will be a big brother soon. How do you explain this to a child? But this really isn't what this is about. It's about the 6th sense that kids have whenever their parents are suddenly doing something that doesn't ...