
Showing posts from October, 2018


Our trees are here and planted!!!  They arrived on a Wednesday afternoon.  I drove to our property after work and met my husband and dad there.  We had a limited amount of time to get it done before the sun started setting.  Forty trees is a lot to plant, but fortunately, we had done so much prep work before hand.  Brandon had gone out the day before and scooped out each hole a little bit so we could plant our trees quicker. Each tree came in a cute little container. Such a cute little tree. Each tree was roughly 2 - 4 inches tall, and ready to be planted. The holes with a bit of dirt removed for easy tree placement. One tree place, 39 to go. So tiny. This is one of the larger ones.  This picture was taken mid-planting. Gathering dirt to continue planting. 40 of 40! By the time we were finished, the shadows were long, and the sun was setting.  But what a rewarding way to end the day.  We water the trees once a ...