Zen and the art of raking.Some things I've learned this summer

Wow. What a summer. It went by way too quickly, and I accomplished very little on my own personal to-do list, including writing. I was going to submit my book to publishers, I was going to write some more on my 2nd one, and really deep clean my house. But, things took an unexpected turn. Mostly at our property. But this was a good unexpected turn. We got the tractor again this year (thanks will never be enough for the generosity of the friend that loaned it to us), and we were just going to do a little road work with it, and maybe clear the area where our future garage might go. Well, this is where the unexpected turn comes in. We not only worked on the roads, but we got 2 garage pads built up, and the house pad. This gets us one step closer to actually being able to live out there. Yay!! So what does this have to do with raking rocks? Everything. Those of you who have been following this know that there are ...