The power of gratitude - an experiment - gratitude challenge

Gratitude has the power to change the world. This is something we've probably all heard, but have blown off as "foofoo." But there's tons of evidence on the power of gratitude and other "positive" emotions on how it changes our DNA and also how DNA affects the physical matter of our world. This youtube video by Gregg Braden showcases some of the scientific research done on this subject. This research was conducted in a lab by scientists trying to better understand how human DNA and photons interact. And another was done to find the effect of emotions on human DNA. The results were surprising, but to summarize, our DNA "relaxes" and begins to heal and replicate when exposed to "positive emotions." (Stressed or supercoiled DNA does not heal or replicate well, causing DNA malfunctions and genetic health issues) Human DNA also causes photons to arrange themselves in the shape of our double helix when exposed to it in a vacuum. The vid...