One month of my gratitude challenge

After finishing one month of a very intense gratitude challenge, I can definitively tell you that gratitude is so much more than the definition above because the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual response it elicits is undefinable. It really is. I generally considered myself a pretty chill person, but I knew that I carried a lot of inward stress. Most people never realized that about me, saying I was pretty laid-back and easygoing. But, the way I carried myself and the amount of tension in my muscles was a strong indicator of how much stress I was carrying. I have a condition called polycystic ovary syndrome, which of course, is systemic, and not just in the ovaries. As a result of this condition, my body naturally creates more cortisol than other women without this syndrome. I've had this all my life, and I've learned to carry my stress well. But that doesn't mean it's easy. I also h...