
Showing posts from March, 2014


We love you, we really do.  If you didn't come here, we would all be forced to move away from these beautiful mountains and get real jobs that we could survive on year round.  But, there is a reason we call you tourons (short for tourist morons).  I mean really, do you think that just because you're on vacation, that common sense and laws common to all states in this nation, somehow don't apply up here?  There is a speed limit posted in our town for a reason, but somehow, just because you're not from here, you think it automatically gives you permission to go 10-15 over or 20 -25 under.  I know, I realize, some of you have never been here before, but seriously, going 5 miles down the middle of the street isn't going to solve the problem of you being lost in our 2 mile long town.  Neither is suddenly stopping in the middle of the road and then turning with absolutely no warning.  Turn signals are a very nice thing, more than just common co...