
Showing posts from August, 2014

Why I've decided to go bra-less

I know that in our society, women have been expected to wear certain things in order not to attract to much attention to herself.  It was inappropriate for a woman to go without a corset for a long time (I've heard the term "loose woman" may have come from women who didn't wear corsets, or wore them loose enough to do manual labor).  And now, we are expected to wear bras to keep them in place.  All these things we are expected to do because society says we have to or we will be deemed unfit, sloppy or slutty, are doing untold damage to our bodies. Recently, I've read many, many articles stating that bras actually make sagging worse (here is one of many I have read: .  One only has to compare my breasts to those of my 62 year old mother's bra-less breasts to know that there is definitely some truth to this research.  My breasts sag much, much more than hers.  S...