How technology helped me explore the world

Technology is all around us these days.  When I was growing up, not so much, but that never stopped me from using technology to advance my learning.  As a child, I loved to watch documentaries on the TV.  Our channels were extremely limited, so I would ask my teacher to play documentaries in class.  I watched documentaries on just about every subject available.  My curiosity was insatiable.  A lot of these documentaries prompted me to go to my local library and check out books on the subject matter.  I also discovered MTV, which, for someone who grew up in a tiny little mountain town with no radio, this expanded my horizons vastly in the music world.  I learned that just listening to music, prompted a curious spark in me that made me want to explore as much as I could, despite my town's limited access to virtually anything.
In the late 1990's I was in college for my undergraduate degree, I learned how to use the internet to do queries on subjects that interested me.   I discovered a whole new world of exploration right at my finger tips.  Granted, my computer was running on windows 3.1 and running on dial-up, that still didn't stop me from searching everything possible.  Later, I continued to use the internet to help me in my chosen career.  As a teacher, I could search lesson plan ideas, projects, etc.  For my own personal enjoyment, I read news about places and things anywhere in the world.  I could search any topic, from recipes to bugs.  The possibilities were endless.  As the technology became more advanced, the possibilities kept growing. 
More recently, I have used the internet to take free online courses in areas such as archeology, finance, accounting.  I have enrolled in graduate school that will be strictly online.  I can take the courses on my desktop, my husband's laptop, or my Kindle Fire, all without ever having to leave my home.  I also continue to watch as many documentaries as possible, but now, with the help of Netflix, Amazon Prime, Youtube, and show websites, I can search and watch on any subject I choose, and watch as many in a row as I choose, all without having to subscribe to cable or satellite TV.   Since I still live in the same small mountain town with now very few radio options, I can listen to the radio via satellite in my car, Pandora on my kindle or iheartradio on my computer or kindle.  I continue to search the internet for various topics so that I can expand my world view.
I foresee that technology will continue to help me explore my world as long as it is around to do so.  I use the internet daily, from facebook, pinterest, google, youtube, shopping websites, etc.  I continue to learn and grow everyday with the help of technology.  Technology is amazing and it will definitely continue to become more amazing as the human race continues to learn and find ways to expand their horizons.
