Adventures in digging holes for trees, finding critters, and other things

I never thought I would say this, but digging holes is hard. 40 of them. That's how many we dug. And by we, I should say Brandon. He dug most of them, despite being ill and having to take frequent breaks, he still managed to dig almost all of them. 40 two-foot wide, two-foot-deep holes. I was mostly there for encouragement, and "to look cute" as he put it. But, our son and I filled in most of those holes. We have 12 left. Why fill them in before we plant? Our trees are not coming until September, and they are only going to be about a foot tall. But as noted in a previous post, (as noted and pictured in a previous post - ) there are so many rocks, and in the areas where there are no rocks, the soil is compacted and hard. We had to use a spike bar to get through those holes. But now that the digging is finished, filling them in ...