10 Random Facts about me

In an attempt to get back into writing, I'm trying out a suggestion by a fellow author - work on your blog.  Write about everything, anything, to get you back in the flow.  I have been writing, but not like I should.
So, I'm starting this off by giving you 10 completely random facts about me.

1.  I'm the least typical Aries you will ever meet.  Aries are supposed to be bold, courageous, outgoing, risk takers, and natural leaders.  I am not bold, I am more courageous than I used to be.  I'm not very outgoing, I'm a self-proclaimed introvert who likes to socialize occasionally, as long as it's on my terms, and with people, I feel comfortable with.  I can be a leader, if the need arises - but, I prefer to either work on my own or go with the flow.   I am also pretty relaxed and even-keeled.  My coworkers say I bring a calm to the school that they need.  Aries aren't supposed to do that, but here I am killing it.

2.  I am a huge sci-fi nerd.  My close family and friends know this.  But, most people are actually surprised to find this out.  

3.  I never wanted my son to be an only child.  I hated being an only child. I actually wanted 5 kids!  Looking back, I think I was crazy, but another one would have been nice.  But, it seems nature had other plans.

4.  Despite my painful shyness, I grew up on stage. Quite literally.  My grandparents built a theater, and in the summer, they had melodramas.  Melodramas require audience participation to be really good.  Sometimes, the actors on stage have to work very hard to elicit responses from the audience.  When I first started, I had a hard time doing this, but the time I finished, I was really, really good at getting the audience to participate.  PS.  I really, really miss acting in our Melodramas and wish we had them again.

5.  I also love all things fantasy, unicorns, fairies, dragons, magic.  Yep.  Love it.

6.  My very first car was an old Subaru hatchback.  If I floored it, I might be able to make it up the pass going to school at the posted speed limit, which is 45 miles an hour.  If I was lucky, I might be able to get it to 46mph up the hill.  But, if I didn't press the pedal just right, I wouldn't make it to 40mph.

7.  Despite being an only child - I had a lot of sibling rivalry, with my cousins.  They more than made up for me not having a sibling.

8.  I got braces as an adult.  At the age of 30 to be exact.  It was a good decision, and also a bad one.  I now have shortened roots on my front top teeth from a well-placed head butt from my son.  However, if I hadn't gotten braces, I would have chronic inflammation in the back of my mouth, on my cheeks and along the gum lines because my molars weren't on my jawline.  They always chewed on the inside of my cheek, and they were constantly getting infected.

9.  I have naturally long and dark eyelashes.  Unfortunately, they are so long that they don't curl up anymore because they get caught on the lenses of my glasses or my sunglasses if I am wearing contacts. 

10.  I am approximately 30% Germanic European, 23% Irish/Scottish, 18% English, 17% Sicilian, 5$ Eastern European/Russian, 3% Swedish/Norwegian (shh... don't tell my grandma, she's the town's professional Swede, despite being less than half Swedish), 2% Greek, 2% Sardinian.  So, basically a mutt, but hey, I'm a well-rounded mutt, and if you add up my Mediterian heritage, that's almost 25% of my heritage, which is pretty awesome if you ask me.  Also, my poor son didn't inherit any Greek from me.  He did, however, inherit Sardinian.  I almost convinced him that he is part Sardine.


  1. You should work on getting the melodramas going again.

    1. i would love to, but, I just don't think it's going to happen.


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