What to do when you can't think of what to write

 I find myself in a rut more often than not, especially lately.  It's not like I don't have any ideas.  I do. I have tons.  It's often a matter of trying to figure out which idea to write.  But, sometimes, I really do come up with a blank.  Especially with blogs.  I've broken my commitment to writing this blog far too many times because I just can't think of anything to write about. 

So, I'm writing anyway.  It's really the only way to get anything written.  I've heard that many, many, many times in the past.  Just write they say.  Anything, just do it.  Ok, so here I am, just writing.   

When I was teaching creative writing to my students, and they would get stuck, I would tell them to draw, doodle, or just trace something.  I would also tell them trace figure 8's with both hands.  To stand up and walk figure 8's in alternating directions.  They told me it always worked.  But, I never told them just to start writing words down and see what happens.  Partly because I doubted it would help.  So, I've decided to give it a try.  This post is the result.  While, it's not the most riveting thing I've ever written, it is something, and maybe, it will help others when they get stuck.

So, when you can't think of what to write, just start writing.  Or, get up and do figure 8's in alternating directions.  Eventually, something will begin to flow.
