Are flowers really necessary?



The other day, I read a blog post about someone's husband rarely giving her flowers.  When I first clicked on it, I thought it was going to be a sad post about how he never shows her loves her, and I was planning on commenting on it that maybe flowers aren't necessary.  But, it wasn't.  It was exactly about how flowers aren't necessary. And I was thrilled.  She went on to talk about how he showed his love in other ways that were much more meaningful to her and I completely resonated with her message.

Don't get me wrong, I love flowers, I just don't like flowers that had to die in order for someone else to show you an act of love.  Some people do, I'm not one of them.  My husband knows this.  He's given me flowers maybe twice because someone bought them ahead of time and gave them to him to give to me. 

So, how does he randomly show his love on commercial holidays you ask?  He doesn't, not on commercial holidays like Valentine's Day.  He shows me other times.  Like, when we were dating, and he gave me a light-up light saber with unicorn stickers on it.  Why? Because he knows how much I love both Star Wars and Unicorns. He made an origami flower once, and sprayed it with his cologne and left it in my room so that I would find it after I came back from taking him to the airport. 

Most recently, he kept saying that I was going to love my anniversary present, even told me that it would arrive two days before our anniversary.  When it did arrive, he was very sad that it had arrived broken, but, he told me what it was anyway, so that I could look forward to the replacement.  What was it?  No, it wasn't anything fancy. It wasn't jewelry; I'm not a big jewelry wearer, and he knows that.  I rarely wear jewelry, the only thing I wear and never take off is my wedding ring.  It wasn't even all that expensive.  It was the entire Pyramid Code series on DVD.  I was over the moon that he bought that because we both love it so much, and we can't watch it on Netflix anymore.  

Other things that he does that show me he cares are saving me the last bite of a dessert we are sharing, or sending me a cute emoji via text message when I'm not at home and he misses me. He also sends me links to videos, or songs I might like.  And he still gets me the cutesy stuff, like unicorns and fairies and sci-fi stuff.  

Flowers are pretty, but once picked, they will die, and that is sad.  I realize that flowers don't bloom all the time, but I prefer to enjoy them while they are living.  

If your significant other doesn't buy you flowers, consider all the things he/she does that show he/she cares.  Maybe they feel the same way I do about flowers, or the same way my husband feels about commercial holidays, especially Valentine's Day.  I don't expect extravagant material displays of affection on Valentine's Day because I know how he feels about it. But, I know he is showing me on a daily basis just how much he loves me. 
