
Showing posts from November, 2017

What is sexual harassment?

A few weeks ago, I was leaving Smiths.  A man was leaning against the wall outside the store.  As I walked past, he said "It's getting cold, you'll need a sweater soon."  I nodded, and said "Yep."  He then said, "Have a great day."  I said "thanks," and continued on my way. Little did I know, there was a woman behind me fuming at that interaction.  As I approached my car, she insisted that what had transpired was sexual harassment.  I was confused because at no point did I ever feel threatened by this man, or harassed in anyway shape or form.  But she was adamant, and stormed off to her car when I disagreed with her. I was left feeling very confused.  Having experienced sexual harassment before, I was pretty sure I knew what it was.  So, I went to Facebook and posed the question, was this really sexual harassment, or was that poor woman very misguided.  It was generally agreed that was not sexual harassment, but rather a man tryi...

Your chronic illness

Tonight, I sit here missing you.  Missing the way things were before you became ill.  Missing the fun, carefree man I married.  I know you miss that person you once were too.  I know you wonder if you will live through this, especially on your bad days, when all you can see and feel is the darkness that this disease forces on you.  It hurts me to see you in this pain. The last two years have been so hard on all of us.  But through the hell that Lyme disease has put us through, I have found a strength I never knew I had.  I had to take on responsibilities I never wanted.  I was happy working one part-time job while attending graduate school.  Your income was more than enough for me to do this and still keep a roof over our heads and food on our table.  But then, the unexpected struck, and I had to take on more than I ever thought I could handle. 3 part-time jobs, graduate school, raising our son, caring for you, juggling appointments....