What is sexual harassment?
A few weeks ago, I was leaving Smiths. A man was leaning against the wall outside the store. As I walked past, he said "It's getting cold, you'll need a sweater soon." I nodded, and said "Yep." He then said, "Have a great day." I said "thanks," and continued on my way. Little did I know, there was a woman behind me fuming at that interaction. As I approached my car, she insisted that what had transpired was sexual harassment. I was confused because at no point did I ever feel threatened by this man, or harassed in anyway shape or form. But she was adamant, and stormed off to her car when I disagreed with her. I was left feeling very confused. Having experienced sexual harassment before, I was pretty sure I knew what it was. So, I went to Facebook and posed the question, was this really sexual harassment, or was that poor woman very misguided. It was generally agreed that was not sexual harassment, but rather a man tryi...