The real problem with illegal immigration
Ok, so the real problem with illegal immigration isn't that these desperate people looking for better lives are going to steal you jobs and not pay taxes. No, it's much worse than that. It's that many of them are being "sold" these better lives by people in our own country at the detriment of those of us here legally. Let me give you a not so hypothetical story about a young woman named Juanita. Juanita is destitute, starving, and desperate in the streets of Mexico. She is desperately searching for a way out of her horrible situation. She is told "Go to the US. There you can make money, there you can find a better life." But she doesn't know how. She has very little money to get there, and she has no way of getting there. She is also told it is illegal to go there without the proper paperwork. She doesn't know how to get this paperwork she so desperately wants. One day, a man approaches her "Juanita, I can help you. I c...