Building a shed part 3

After getting the subfloor installed, we went back out and began the process to anchor it down. For those who don't know, the winds in Northern New Mexico can get very strong. So much so that it could easily have lifted up our shed platform and relocated it, causing much damage along the way. It's not uncommon for small buildings that are not anchored to be blown away. It's also not uncommon for small buildings improperly anchored to be destroyed by the wind gusts we get here. I wasn't able to be there for the whole process due to starting to teach online at this point. I also wasn't able to help much as I was recovering from some unknown upper respiratory thing that wasn't COVID. But, we had to dig a hole, fill it in with cement, and then back fill with dirt after the cement had set a bit. Digging holes in compacted dirt isn't exactly easy It required not only a post-hole digger, but a spike bar, lots of water, and a whole lo...