Serendipity defines serendipity as this: " noun,plural ser·en·dip·i·ties. an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident " Most people say that it's a series of happy events that lead to an unexpected, but desirable outcome. But, as I've become more observant of the events taking place in my life, I don't agree with that. I think that sometimes events, good or bad, take place to prevent something bad, or to give you something good. On Thursday, my husband and I drove down to Espanola to get more conduit for our plumbing project. We were also supposed to get 2ft rebar. I managed to forget the rebar, which meant we either needed to drive back down to Espanola, or get the local hardware store to cut 2 long bars in half, but, the next day, we were supposed to meet a friend for lunch. Friday morning, he had something come up, and had to cancel. We decided to drive to Questa, get the longer rebar cut in half and take it to the prop...