Gratitude Challenge - Week 2
This has been absolutely amazing and very hard at the same time. In addition to the benefits I listed last week, I'm also much more relaxed and at ease with myself and the world. I'm also seeing more "magic" in the world - in nature, and in my immediate surroundings.
But, this week was hard for me, especially the last few days. I wasn't feeling well with some sort of low grade cold that's going around my school, and it was making me feel blah and down in the dumps. The good news is, that I wasn't as grumpy, moody, and on edge as I normally am when I'm a tiny bit sick. But, I also learned some sad news about someone I know, and that tried very hard to pull me down. It almost felt as if the universe was testing me, to see if I would give up. I didn't, and I won't. And although I'm still feeling a bit down, it somehow doesn't seem so bad, because I know it will get better.
I am still encouraging people to try this challenge, modified to fit what works best for you. And I will post again next week with how it's working for me.
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