The Enchanted Ones: The Greater Good Book 1 Summary

This is for people who've read the book.  It's simply to refresh your memory.  If you haven't read the book, this will give you a glimpse into the world of Ricky and Laura and the agency they work for.  But it won't give you the intricacies of their inner world or the flow of the book that made so many people unable to put the book down.  In-depth character profiles will follow this summary. 

    Agent Laura Sullivan, an empath, is placed undercover in Encantado Elementary as a Kindergarten teacher.  She's there to investigate the strange disappearances of children in the area, and the disappearance of the undercover agent placed there before her. She's ordered by her supervisor, Murphy, to reconnect with her former boyfriend, Ricardo "Ricky" Santistevan, Jr., who is now the head counselor for the school district. Together, they discover that the mystery is deeper than they thought. They encounter much resistance through Jose, Ricky's former best friend, who ends up killing Ricky's father, and Camila, a hypnotized empath with no free will of her own.  Ricky also deals with the Twins, telepathic brothers who finish each other's sentences in such a way as to confuse their victims and get them ready for full hypnotization.   

    They are helped by Laura's partner, Dax, who has an unnatural hearing ability, Murphy, and other members of the agency. Eventually, they're able to locate some of the missing children, and those children give them clues to where the other children might be located, and an insight in the larger purpose behind the disappearances. 

The book ends with a cryptic message from Ricky's father on a flash drive he found in his father's pocket the day he was shot. 

