Missing you. My experience with the grieving process and time

Memories of you escaped from my eyes and rolled down my face yesterday. They say that time heals all wounds. And maybe it does. Maybe it's easier to be without you than it was then. But sometimes it's not. Almost 10 years. Wow. That's hard to believe. Sometimes it seems like it wasn't that long ago. Other times it seems like it was a whole lifetime ago. Does time really make it easier? Does time really even matter? I don't cry as often as I used to, but sometimes, I cry harder and longer than I did then. I still sometimes see something I think you would like or something that reminds me of you. Or someone will say something that reminds me of you. Or even say I did something that reminds them of you. Like yesterday, when I was looking for something. It was the way I said it, the mannerisms behind it, that made him think of you. He said I was acting like you. And I was, in a way. And ...