Building a shed part 4

 After getting the walls up, we started the monumental task of putting up the roof trusses.  This was not an easy task at all.  And unfortunately, other commitments prevented us from having a lot of help and Brandon ended up doing a lot of this on his own.  He managed to smash his thumb more than once during this. 

He had to put up a supporting beam on each side of the shed to help him center the trusses on the end.  Then, he used a beam across the top to make sure they each aligned perfectly when he put them up. 

Once it was finished, we had to make sure everything was still square so that we could prepare to put up the siding. 

Putting up a truss isn't just put it up and nail it in with a few nails.  You have to use special metal brackets that act as nail guides, those go on each side of the truss, so each truss has 4 of those.  That's where Brandon started smashing his thumb, because if you just happen to hit a knot, the nail doesn't want to go in correctly.  But, before you even get to that point, you have to make sure you have your spacing right, because once you use those metal brackets, it's extremely difficult to remove them without damaging the truss, and the 2x6 you're nailing them into. But, he was successful, and I had to help with some of the nailing, and we got them all up. 
