Building a shed part 7

So, remember when I said the siding on the front wasn't quite even and that it wouldn't be noticeable when the trim went up?  Tada!  No evidence of crooked or uneven siding.  For me, when the trim went up, I couldn't stop smiling.  It was finally starting to look like something other than some wood cobbled together with our blood, sweat, and tears.

Everything looks even

After putting up the trim, we had to caulk all the edges places where we misnailed, places where parts of wood splintered off, etc., so there were no gaps and everything looked seamless before we could paint.  But, it was well worth the effort.

And it turned out beautiful.  I can't stress how much I love this tiny little building and the pride I have from knowing we built this ourselves. 

Stay tuned for finishing the interior and getting the electric and internet installed. 
