
Showing posts from December, 2017

The power music has over me

Many years ago, as I was struggling with a few mental issues regarding reality in middle school, Duran Duran's song, "Ordinary World," came on the radio, and I realized I had to pull myself out of my daydream world and start facing the world around me.  I was doing the things I was doing as an escape from the torment that is middle school, but it was unhealthy, and I realized after listening to that song, that I needed to get a grip on reality before I slipped away.  So, I did. Years later, when I was struggling to get over an ex, Collective Soul's song, "Shine," came on MTV.  I had heard it many times before that (it had been released more than a year before this), but this time, it really resonated with me.  I realized that I had an inner divine light that was not contingent on having a boyfriend.  I could stand on my own.  In that instant, I was over him, and I no longer "needed" him.  Though we dated one more time after that, I was able to wa...

I finished!

It's official.  I just submitted my thesis.  All of my other assignments are complete and submitted.  I am having a mix of emotions.  I told my hubby, and I cried.  I am smiling at the same time.  Phew, what a relief, and at the same time, I'm thinking, is this it, did I really do this?  Wow!  3 years, and I'm finally finished!!!  It feels surreal at the moment.  I'm not even sure that I'm really finished.   It will really set in when I get my final grades.  If I get an 'A' in this class, I will graduate with honors.  Wow!!  It will also be more real in 3 weeks when I realize that I don't have to start another class.  What will I do with myself you ask?  If you haven't done so already, read my post titled "goals" from last week.

Honorable intentions

I was recently reminded that a certain individual in my life lives his life by his honorable intentions.  Not his actions.  His intentions.  You might think, "Ok, well, he's honorable, so that makes him a good person, right?"  Wrong.  His so called honorable intentions do not match his actions, especially when he is drinking, which is more often than not. Case in point, he forced his way into a woman's car to try to "protect" her from his imagined assailants that would force their way into her car while she was camping.  He was not welcome in her car, and she didn't need his protection.  But he insisted that he had done nothing because his intentions were honorable.  Wait. What?  It's OK to force your way into someone's personal space to try to protect them from the very thing that you were doing because your intentions were honorable?  No.  I don't think so.  So he apologized, and life moved on.  And though his transg...


Everyone keeps asking me what my plans are once I graduate in a few weeks.  So here is a quick run down.  No, I won't be continuing on to get my PHd.  My master's is quite enough, thank you. I am enrolled in a training program to become a certified academic language therapist to help dyslexic people learn to read.  With my master's I will be able to go into business for myself without relying on the schools or my instructor to buy testing materials for me that I can only get with a master's degree.  Going into business for myself will also allow me to reach dyslexic students who don't qualify for services through the school. In addition to continuing my training program, I will finally have time to work on my books.  I hope to be published within the next year or two with my paranormal spy trilogy that takes place in New Mexico (see my Facebook author's page, for more info on that - but wait until after the 15...

Sleeping Naked

Ok.  I said it.  Now you know.  I sleep naked.  It's not some weird fetish.  It helps me sleep.  I recently discovered it after reading numerous articles about how much better it is for you than sleeping clothed.    It was even featured on Forbes! I've always had trouble sleeping, often going to bed freezing only to wake up drenched and dehydrated some random time during the night, then not being able to go back to sleep.  All the articles I read said that sleeping naked helped regulate your body temperature so you sleep better.  I was skeptical at first, after all, I would always go to bed freezing, how would sleeping naked help this?  But I was desperate for a good night's sleep, and since I was unwilling to try medication to help me sleep, I thought, "what the heck, I have nothing to lose."...