
Everyone keeps asking me what my plans are once I graduate in a few weeks.  So here is a quick run down.  No, I won't be continuing on to get my PHd.  My master's is quite enough, thank you.
I am enrolled in a training program to become a certified academic language therapist to help dyslexic people learn to read.  With my master's I will be able to go into business for myself without relying on the schools or my instructor to buy testing materials for me that I can only get with a master's degree.  Going into business for myself will also allow me to reach dyslexic students who don't qualify for services through the school.
In addition to continuing my training program, I will finally have time to work on my books.  I hope to be published within the next year or two with my paranormal spy trilogy that takes place in New Mexico (see my Facebook author's page, https://www.facebook.com/saraelizabethwriter/ for more info on that - but wait until after the 15th of this month - seriously)
I will also continue to work on my land and hopefully, someday, get a house on it.  For me, working on my land has been incredibly good for me.  It relieves so much stress, and makes me healthier and stronger at the same time.
Of course, taking care of my hubby will always be my number one priority, but I will have so much more time to do things for me after I graduate.
2 more weeks!!! I've got this.


  1. I have confidence that you'll do whatever you make up your mind to do.


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