Sleeping Naked

Ok.  I said it.  Now you know.  I sleep naked.  It's not some weird fetish.  It helps me sleep.  I recently discovered it after reading numerous articles about how much better it is for you than sleeping clothed.    It was even featured on Forbes!

I've always had trouble sleeping, often going to bed freezing only to wake up drenched and dehydrated some random time during the night, then not being able to go back to sleep.  All the articles I read said that sleeping naked helped regulate your body temperature so you sleep better.  I was skeptical at first, after all, I would always go to bed freezing, how would sleeping naked help this?  But I was desperate for a good night's sleep, and since I was unwilling to try medication to help me sleep, I thought, "what the heck, I have nothing to lose."  And so, I tried it, and I will never go back.  Not only did I sleep better, but I woke up refreshed and not drenched.  Yeah, I may go to bed cold, but that's what extra blankets are for.  I put them on, and if I wake up too hot, which isn't often anymore, I get rid of the extra covers.  I'm no longer waking up drenched in sweat and so dehydrated from sweating that I can't go back to sleep.
Not long ago, I fell asleep in my pajamas after several months of sleeping pajama free.  I regretted it the next morning. I  slept horribly, but never woke up fully enough to take the pajamas off.  I was grumpy and tired the next morning, a feeling I used to wake up with every morning.
Nope, pajamas are no longer for me.  Sure, I will keep my pajamas to lounge in, but you won't find me sleeping in them.  Not anymore. So, if you have been struggling with a good night's sleep, I suggest you try sleeping naked.

Here are some more articles about the benefits of sleeping naked.
