They say there are 7 stages to grieving: Shock and denial. Pain and guilt. Anger and bargaining. Depression. The upward turn. Reconstruction and working through. Acceptance and hope. They also say there is no time line on how long you should spend in these stages, and that not everyone goes through them, and those that do, don't necessarily go through them in the same order. They may even go back an forth between the steps. The point is, there is no perfect formula for grieving a death. There is no such thing as grieving by the book. No one can tell you how long you will be in shock, or how long you will experience anger. And no one can tell you that you haven't grieved long enough, or that you are grieving too long. That being said, it is important to know those stages, so that you can understand what is happening, and can work through it. When my aunt passed away, we were expecting it, I did a lot of my initial grieving befor...